

How Can I Know if a Gun Is Loaded or Unloaded?

As a general rule, you should always assume a gun is loaded. With handguns especially, it’s not always easy to tell if a gun is loaded just by looking or feeling the gun in your hand. That said, there are certain things you can do to determine if a gun

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Are Unloaded Guns Deemed Dangerous Weapons?

An unloaded gun might not technically be able to fire, but that doesn’t mean it’s entirely harmless. Using an unloaded gun improperly can still result in all sorts of physical, financial, and legal consequences. Here’s what you need to know about whether or not an unloaded gun is considered dangerous.

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What to Do if You’re New to Shooting at a Firing Range

Going to a shooting range is always going to be an exciting experience, but that first trip can be stressful as well. Even if you’ve been shooting outdoors for years, handling a firearm on private property around other people is a completely different situation. Here’s a quick look at some

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Can I Carry My Gun when I’m in Church?

Churches are considered sacred places where people should always feel safe to worship and gather with other people as they desire. However, shootings in the past have often focused on breaking up the peace that people should feel in a house of worship. Currently, very few states specifically outlaw the

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When Is a Handgun Considered Loaded?

In your firearms training, you’ll spend a great deal of time covering safety rules, such as the importance of storing your gun unloaded. However, people often wonder about what exactly defines a gun as being loaded. Understanding what constitutes a loaded handgun and how to handle one helps you be

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How Difficult Is It to Obtain a Permit for a Gun?

No federal laws state individuals need gun licenses. However, many states have regulations regarding who can carry firearms and who cannot. When it pertains to getting a permit, some steps are more challenging than others, but this will vary from person to person. Below are some of the most common

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Is It Legal for a Security Guard to Carry a Gun while Traveling?

Hiring an armed security guard has many benefits for your business or organization, including safety. However, a misconception about this type of protection is that all guards carry weapons. Although some are licensed and authorized to possess guns, others aren’t due to local, state, and federal regulations. This also applies

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