Texas License to Carry Certificate Update – New LTC-104 Form

LTC-104 Top of Certificate

The Texas Department of Public Safety has announced the introduction of the new LTC-104 form, a significant update in the process for applying for a License to Carry (LTC) in Texas. The transition from the LTC-100 and LTC-101 forms simplifies the submission process, making it more straightforward for applicants to complete their requirements. The LTC-104 form is now the sole official certificate of completion for those who have successfully met the training requirements for carrying a handgun in Texas with a License to Carry. This update is aimed at reducing paperwork and making the process more efficient for both instructors and applicants, ensuring that all the necessary information is contained within a single, straightforward document.

LTC-100 and LTC-101

Up until this point, students that go through a Texas License to Carry a handgun (LTC) class would receive either an LTC-100 or an LTC-101 form. Both forms fulfill the same purpose, but the LTC-100 was for in-person classroom training and the LTC-101 for online classroom training.

As of May of 2024, Texas DPS RSD will still accept both the LTC-100 and LTC-101 forms with no final transition date set. The state will continue to allow the LTC-100 and LTC-101 to be submitted for now.

If you want to figure out which certificate you were issued, take a look at the bottom left-hand corner of you training certificate. It should state “LTC-104 (Rev. 04/2024)”. The top of the certificate will be titled “Texas Department of Public Safety Handgun Training Certificate”.

Texas DPS Handgun Training new certificate LTC-104

LTC-104 Explained

The LTC-104 officially replaces both the LTC-100 and LTC-101. This means that regardless of where the student took their LTC class, whether in-person or online, they will still receive the LTC-104 certificate.

There is a new checkbox on the form that the instructor will complete to signify if the classroom portion of the LTC training was completed in-person or online through an OCP (online course provider). Otherwise, the majority of the form remains unchanged. It will still be filled out and submitted the same way as the LTC-100 and LTC-101 forms.

When the online License to Carry class is completed through GunSafetyTrainingPro.com, you will receive the LTC-104 certificate of completion from the Online Course Provider, Joel Kuchenski.

Separate Forms for Classroom and Range

Another area that the LTC-104 form simplifies is the use of multiple certificates for a single student. If a student completes the classroom portion of the LTC class, but then forgets to bring that form to the LTC instructor completing the range portion, a second LTC-104 can be issued to the student.

One LTC-104 form will have the classroom portion filled out and completed by the instructor. The second LTC-104 for the same student will have the Range Instruction and Proficiency Demonstration completed by the instructor. The student will sign the bottom of each form and submit both to Texas DPS after the LTC application is completed.

This further means that LTC instructors do not need to be concerned about whether students have completed the classroom portion or not when they arrive for the shooting qualification. Because either way, that student can receive an LTC-104 from the instructor with just the Range Instruction and Proficiency Demonstration portions completed. The student will be responsible for receiving another LTC-104 for the classroom portion.

LTC-8 and LTC-9 Forms for Instructors

With the introduction of the LTC-104, nothing changes for LTC instructors submitting an LTC-8 or an LTC-9. The LTC-8 is for any in-person instruction, whether classroom or range, and the LTC-9 is for online course providers to submit only. Both forms are still due within 5 days of the student completing the class.

LTC instructors are still never allowed to submit the LTC-104 (or LTC-100/101) on behalf of the student to Texas DPS. Students must submit the forms themselves.

Where to Submit Supporting Documents

Any paperwork needing to be sent to Texas DPS as part of the LTC application is referred to as supporting documents. This can include anything from the LTC-104 to a DD214 for veterans. All of the links to the Texas DPS website can be found HERE. This includes the link to submit supporting documents as well as the applications themselves. Once an LTC application is submitted through Texas DPS, an email should be sent to the student stating which supporting documents need to be uploaded.


Ultimately, instructors and students using the same form will help to clear up some of the Texas LTC process. Anything that can be done to make getting a License to Carry easier is best for everyone.

Instructors and students are encouraged to contact us with any questions through [email protected] about getting a License to Carry and the training required. GunSafetyTrainingPro.com is an approved online course provider through Texas DPS under the Texas License to Carry instructor Joel Kuchenski.

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