6 Errors to Always Avoid when Handling Your Gun

The key to becoming a trustworthy and responsible gun owner is knowing how to avoid mistakes when handling your firearm. Even seemingly minor errors in judgment can lead to poor habits that jeopardize your safety and the safety of people around you. If you’re getting your feet wet in the world of firearms, the firearms safety and training experts from Gun Safety Training Pros, a premier provider of online gun safety training, explain what you need to avoid when you’re handling your gun.

1. Aiming Erratically

The single most important rule gun owners should follow—regardless of their age or experience handling a firearm—is being aware of who’s around them. Always keep the muzzle of your firearm pointed away from the people around you.

2. Having Poor Trigger Discipline

One bad habit that’s hard to break is keeping your index finger on the trigger of a firearm. Building trigger discipline allows you to formulate a logical thought process before taking a shot. If you’re an avid hunter or someone who relies on a weapon for your line of work, learning to analyze before shooting is paramount.

3. Not Training

Do you have a friend or family member who swears he or she doesn’t need outside training to use a gun properly? If so, you’re probably aware of how many bad habits people can develop when they’re handling guns. If you plan on having a firearm in your home, give serious thought to getting professional firearms training. 

4. Being Distracted

You know how it can be: you head to the range, your friends and family are texting you, and the noise made by other people in the facility causes your brain to be overstimulated. When this occurs, eliminate as many distractions as you possibly can to operate your firearm safely. Texting your friend back or attending to a quick five-minute chat can make the difference between a joyous afternoon and one that ends with a medical emergency. 

5. Failing to Educate Your Family & Friends

When there’s a new firearm in the house, it seems everyone wants a turn to handle the weapon. Although having an interest in self-defense is vital, improper education isn’t. Before introducing a weapon to your family, ensure they know the basic principles of firearm safety and how to handle the weapon correctly.

6. Not Checking to Ensure the Gun Is Unloaded

Last but certainly not least is making sure your gun is free of ammunition when you’re handling it in a relaxed environment. Although your friend, coworker, or family member may tell you the firearm is unloaded, performing an extra check for jammed ammunition can, quite literally, save your life.

No matter what type of gun you own, safety should be your top priority, and learning what not to do is an important part of firearms education. If you’d like to learn more about gun safety, taking gun classes online, or any other aspect of firearm ownership, reach out to the experts at Gun Safety Training Pros. Contact one of our knowledgeable team members today at [email protected]

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