Basic Safety Guidelines for Shooting at the Gun Range

Now that you’re immersed in gun culture and understand the benefits of owning a firearm, it’s time to hit the firing range for training. As a well-intentioned firearm owner who wants to expand your knowledge base, you need to be aware of specific rules that need to be followed when you’re at the range. If you’re unsure of how to carry yourself while improving your accuracy and shooting skills, here are a few things to consider, offered by the firearms safety education professionals from Gun Safety Training Pros, a premier provider of gun training online.

Be Present

If there’s anything a seasoned firearm owner knows, it’s the difference between being present and simply showing up. When you’re training at the firing range, all sources of distraction should be left in your car or turned off. In our modern age of social media consumption and 24/7 availability, putting your phone down can be challenging. But if you value safety, both for yourself and those around you, this step is a no-brainer.

Keep the Gun Unloaded Until You’re Ready to Use It

Going to the firing range is something many weapon owners look forward to. But don’t forget to keep your weapon unloaded until it’s time to shoot. At some point, seasoned and beginner gun owners alike can be negligent by loading a gun and leaving it sitting out. If a person walks by and picks it up thinking it’s an unloaded weapon, someone could get injured or worse. If there’s one habit all responsible gun owners should practice, it’s eliminating the possibility of an accident before it happens.

Understand Commands

At most firing ranges, specifically those that have instructors on the property, commands are used to ensure the safety of the people on the premises. When you first practice at a firing range, these commands may be confusing or overwhelming while you’re shooting at a target. Although each range will use its own vernacular, here are two common commands to be aware of:

  • Cease fire – stop firing immediately
  • Commence fire – you may fire

When dealing with a cease-fire command, engage your weapon’s safety mechanism and aim the muzzle in a safe direction. Also, remove clips and ammunition from the gun to prevent negligent discharge.

Pay Mind to Muzzle Placement & Trigger Discipline

This last tip is a twofold approach to avoid injuring yourself and the people around you. When handling a firearm, always assume it’s loaded and ready to fire. Although this may seem overly cautious, it forces you to think before aiming the weapon. Similarly, keeping your finger away from the trigger prevents negligent discharge. When you combine trigger discipline with aiming your muzzle away from people, you make it less likely that anyone will get hurt while training at the range.

No matter where you practice shooting your gun, it’s essential to make sure you learn how to do it safely. Gun Safety Training Pros is committed to providing the best firearms education possible. If you want to learn more about the essential aspects of safe firearms ownership and gun handling, contact us today at [email protected].

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