States Where Firearms Safety Classes Are Required

What you’ll need to do to legally own and use a gun, beyond basic state and federal guidelines, varies by state. Many states, such as Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming, even allow you to conceal carry (with restrictions) without a permit. Conversely, there are states where there’s a need to take a gun safety course just to purchase a firearm, although the specifics of related requirements also vary. Below, we focus on these states and point out why taking a firearms safety course is a good idea regardless of what applies in your state.

States with Safety Course Requirements to Purchase Guns

There are currently 9 states that require some sort of firearm safety training in order to simply purchase a firearm. These states are:

  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • California
  • Hawaii*
  • Massachusetts
  • Rhode Island
  • New Jersey
  • Maryland
  • Connecticut

This list includes the District of Columbia as well. Hawaii requires safety courses for handguns but not long guns. The specific requirements for each state varies. Most will require classes that contain specific laws and regulations that pertain to that particular state.

At, we recognize the critical importance of firearm safety education training. However, we do not support the forced requirement of training in order to exercise ones second amendment rights to gun ownership and self-defense.

Importance of Taking a Firearms Safety Course (Regardless of What’s Required)

If your state has no gun safety course requirements, this doesn’t mean it’s not still a good idea to take one. If you’re a first-time gun owner and you have no previous experience with firearms, it can be helpful to learn the basics of firearms safety in a more structured way. Plus, you may find yourself needing to know what’s typically covered in these courses if you move to another state or, as mentioned above, travel to certain other ones. Firearms safety courses are also beneficial, even when participation is entirely voluntary, for the following equally compelling reasons:

• You’ll gain more confidence when handling firearms
• You’ll learn the basics of federal, state, and local regulations you need to be aware of when carrying and/or using firearms
• You’ll learn more about ammunition and general gun maintenance
• You’ll be better prepared if you travel with firearms

This list may not have been updated with passing of new state laws. Please check the laws for the state you are interested in. It is also your responsibility to check what the class requirements are for each state.

If you’re not sure about the applicable gun laws in your state, don’t hesitate to call on the firearms education experts at Gun Safety Training Pros. We offer the highest-quality weapons training online, and we can answer all your questions about carrying your gun legally. If you’re looking for a premier handgun safety class online, reach out to us today at [email protected].

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